martes, 12 de julio de 2011

Kurt Elling I El Grande: Vocalese.

Kurt Elling está considerado por un amplio número de críticos como el más importante vocalista de jazz del momento. Con una voz de barítono con la que abarca cuatro octavas, Elling hace gala de una técnica asombrosa en sus ejecuciones e improvisaciones, mostrando un dominio técnico absoluto a nivel rítmico, tímbrico, dinámico y de frase que lo acerca más al prototipo del instrumentista virtuoso que al de cantante al uso.
Entre sus principales aportaciones figuran sus interpretaciones "vocalese", esto es, el arte de escribir letras a solos improvisados de artistas de jazz. Tras las contribuciones de pioneros como Eddie Jefferson, King Pleasure, y Jon Hendricks, las aportaciones de Elling se sitúan entre las más logradas e impactantes dentro de la técnica, e incluyen frecuentemente referencias a autores como Rilke, Marcel Proust o Pablo Neruda. Elling ha escrito letras para famosas improvisaciones de músicos como Wayne Shorter, Keith Jarret, Dexter Gordon, Pat Metheny o Charlie Haden, entre otros.
Las particularidades técnicas y estilísticas de Kurt Elling hacen de él un artista único en su género, pero entre las influencias que el propio Elling admite abiertamente se encuentran el cantante Mark Murphy y el cantante y trompetista Chet Baker.

A continuación, solo para deleite de los más audaces, una pieza de vocalese del interprete chicagoarense. En primer lugar la versión original. El tema se llama 'Resolution' y pertenece al album 'I Love Supreme' del gigante John Coltrane, tan apreciado por nuestro amigo germanófilo Grulla. La lectura de la letra unida a la audición de la versión proporciona una perspectiva excepcional para valorar la envergadura de esta obra arte².

Music/Solo by John Coltrane
Lyric by Kurt Elling
From John Coltrane 1965 recording A Love Supreme

God - king above all other gods - lead us now, so we can walk wherein the
prophets said that we would trod.

Buddha - tell a sutra like a spell - teach us well to answer silence with the calling of bells.

Allah - bring us to a good alarm - subjugate our wills to answer you like a mighty arm.
Elohim is a pillar of light in the dark and leading all his people to light (for
He's the king of the fire).
He brings the fire into everything that's living on earth, in the sun, in the
Take a spark of it - deep within you - put it to the test - it will do the rest -
I confess - It will be like
climbing up Mount Everest - I can't express the view from there - but it's
for you to follow through.

Lama - show the Power's bright array - bless the climb, and settle peace upon the universe's dark display.

And Jesus - remember every promise made - Present yourself in the middle of the prayers that we say.

Vishnu - preserve us all along the way - Keep us clear of the final thunderbolt of the judgement day.

Hear me - Hear what I - what I ask for today - Fathers.

Way off at the far leftern shelf of the world - up in a house right on the edge of everything - where the time is tumbling in a vortex - the nexus of timetable tides - in the final lighthouse at shining earth's ending - at the spinning of the finishing of sweeping time - driving silence like a stampeding careening wash in charging advance
digging the sound of passing everything away into the secret of eternity's pivot dance
breaking down crashing doorways - bashing through dreamplace - smash, unlash, efface - everything goes
to the open mouth of Kali-ma - where the vault of heaven opens

a witness as lonely as forgotten tears keeps up a vigil watching all - even light - go out one witness - one child digging the slaving wheel of meat spitting out - taking up - everything - by the roots pulling out - the lot of what has passed into the past, like a dream.
she knows what is gone - gone over - everyone that is done - and unbegun and starting from the super-microcosmic no bug all the way to super-huge galactic suns - and she knows the
beginning - is coming in the sweep at the end of all. Even gods have passed over, away. Then, one day the shadow of a priest on the horizon appeared.
He wasn't taken up into the swirling.
He walked with purpose, all the while digging his heels into the bedrock like a man.

But as he came into view the witness saw his eyes were crying.
Tears like blood fell to earth - as he watched heaven disappear in the void - up the drain into the paraboloid - realizing it all - everything -everywhere -into his eyes - seeing that all - he had beloved - went out of itself and away - here in this last ever surge of a day tearing all meaning away - and to the witness's indifference he had this to say:

"I know about birth. I know about death, and how the light goes out of men - the life departing - powerless
giving it up - but in the vast indifference I invent a deeper meaning.

I'm the one who will say 'use the will every day or go mad trying - go to war against the impotent side of living.

Use every power you're given to stand and act like a man.

And pray -- every day to every god - strike the bowl of heaven and the ringing will become a law.

Build - bridges where you need to go - bring the fire of enlightenment here to life below.

Speak - mercy to the things you meet - listen up to hear the whispering of the blood you bleed.

Stay awake - no mistake - dance the dream awake - and awake."

jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Louis Theroux

Quizá no les suene este señor pero a modo de introducción rápida les diré que es un periodista inglés, de la BBC, famoso por sus reportajes "gonzo", es decir, como la zorra esa de "21 días" pero en BIEN. 

Les recomiendo encarecidamente que vean alguno de ellos, si no lo han hecho ya, especialmente recomendables son: el de los supremacistas blancos, la familia más odiada de américa (este es el más conocido), el de los supremacistas negros, el de los pederastas, el de la violencia en Sudafrica o este que les adjunto, Ultrasionistas, los abertzales judíos.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

La iglesia responde

No son actores, son chavales como tú y como yo (como tú no Ecuménico)

En los vídeos relacionados sigue la fiesta